


欢迎来到十大网赌平台推荐中东中心(MEC). 创建于2006年, the MEC's main objective is to provide an academic environment for students from a multitude of disciplines to develop a deeper underst和ing of the Middle East. The MEC also administers 前苏联's Bachelor of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies, 以及阿拉伯语和中东研究的未成年人.





Florida State University’s Department of Modern 语言 和 Linguistics 和 前苏联 中东中心 will host the 15th annual 中东电影节, showcasing films that provide insight into international cinema 和 share perspectives rarely seen in mainstream media. 该节日将于2月11日举行. 1日至2月22日, is sponsored by the 前苏联 中东中心 和 Student Life Cinema 和 features four films screening over the course of four Thursdays. 点击这里 了解更多关于我们今年电影阵容的细节. 

The 中东中心 和 Music School would like to invite you to a lecture titled 'Musical Cultures on the Silk Road' by Latif Bolat, 土耳其音乐苏菲派学者. 讲座将于12月7日星期四下午1点在HMU 229教室举行.

“埃及”这个名字背后的秘密是什么?? 为什么金字塔是世界七大奇迹之一? 埃及人还说古埃及语吗? 在寺庙、坟墓、木乃伊等的背后还有其他秘密吗.? 11月8日星期三下午6点加入我们.m. 在环球大礼堂听. 法丽达·巴德尔揭开埃及的秘密. Participants will sample an 埃及ian dessert, Om Ali, at the end of the lecture. 

中东中心's Chapman Endowed Lecture: Americans 和 Middle East: Where do We Go From Here?

前苏联中东中心邀请参加2023年Jeannette B. 查普曼捐赠讲座,4月13日,周四下午5:30在 克劳德·佩珀中心(636w. 调用街). 今年的演讲者是Steven A. Cook who will give a talk titled:  "Americans 和 Middle East: Where do We Go From Here?"

第14届中东电影节将于2月10日(周五)开幕th 下午6点. 今年,所有影片都将在学生生活影院亲自放映. 
A reception with middle eastern food catered by the Sweet Shop 和 entertainment provided by the" 前苏联 Belly dancers group" 和" Aziza Middle East Ensemble" from the Music School will be held at 7:45pm after the screening of Arab Blues on Feb 10th.
点击这里 有关电影的更多信息.

加入官邸C的外交官.B. Toney on Monday, April 18 at 5:00pm EDT as he celebrates Arab American Heritage Month. 你会听到Dr. 泽娜·塔默·施莱诺夫和.Nicole Schlichter讲述他们在外交部门的经历.

注册: http://ow.ly/ICkW50IGQpa




The 中东中心 recognized students who have excelled in Arabic classes this semester. 感谢学生们的辛勤付出!


珍妮特B. 查普曼中东研究系列讲座

Dr. Nadje Al-Ali做了一个关于“性别”的演讲, Violence 和 Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Transnational Feminist Perspectives." Nadje Al-Ali is the Robert Family Professor of International Studies 和 Professor of Anthropology 和 Middle East Studies at Brown University. 她还负责中东研究中心. Her research interests revolve around feminist activism 和 gendered mobilization, 主要与伊拉克有关, 埃及, 黎巴嫩, 土耳其和库尔德政治运动. 

2月25日- 4月2日,虚拟
前苏联中东中心举办第13届年度电影节! The festival features five film screenings over the course of five weekends this spring. 这个节日是免费的,但参与者必须注册. 请 点击这里 注册. 
The 中东中心 partnered with The Globe to co-host Culture of Coffee in the Arab World. 这次活动的特色是中东合奏团的特别演出, 介绍咖啡文化和礼仪, 另外还有咖啡冲泡示范和品鉴. 
Arabic students gathered at the 中东中心 for pizza 和 to learn more about Middle Eastern Studies at 前苏联.
感谢您加入环球剧院中东中心! We had a wonderful evening sharing Middle Eastern desserts 和 drinks while learning more about the fascinating region. 特别感谢十大网赌平台推荐肚皮舞俱乐部的精彩表演. 
11月11日 & 12
This two day event explored the relationship between gender 和 representation in the Maghreb through the work of four women from different fields: Franco-Moroccan author 和 French diplomat Leïla Slimani, 突尼斯导演拉贾·阿马里, 摩洛哥说唱歌手Khtek, 以及摩洛哥艺术家Merieme Mesfioui. 这个为期两天的活动,由 前苏联人权促进中心 和 Winthrop-King研究所,并配有拉贾·阿马里的两部电影,这些电影是通过前苏联图书馆放映的。 她做了一个梦异物
Chef Jesse led the 前苏联 Arabic Program in a virtual cooking session in honor of International Education Month. 我们跟着一起做了肥仔酱, 这道菜来自法老时代,里面有一层层的五香肉, 酸奶, 还有烤皮塔饼. 
烹饪博士. 泽娜·施莱诺夫家
博士的学生. Zeina Schlenoff's Arabic Conversation class gathered at her house on a Saturday afternoon to cook traditional Arab dishes. 学生们做了鹰嘴豆泥、土耳其烤肉、咖喱蒸粗麦粉沙拉和馕饼. This was a great opportunity to learn more about Arab culture 和 traditions while enjoying a delicious meal!
Throughout November Middle Eastern Studies students tabled on L和is Green to talk with other students about Middle Eastern Studies at 前苏联 和 studying Arabic. This was a great chance to engage with interested students 和 encourage others to study Arabic!


The 文理学院 has featured our recent Fall 2022 graduate 卡罗琳·西斯摩尔 (MES)从700多个A&今年秋天毕业的5名本科学生. 点击这里 了解更多关于卡罗琳的成就. 

约翰逊的外祖母 is a double major in Middle Eastern Studies 和 International Affairs with a minor in History. 大二的时候, Maddy received the Boren Scholarship to travel to Jordan 和 study Arabic at the University of Jordan. While in Jordan, she was also able to intern at Al Hadaf, a locally-run NGO assisting Iraqi refugees. Madelyn's Boren experience strengthened her love for the language 和 region 和 opened so many doors to future internships 和 study abroad opportunities.

佩顿帕金 is a senior studying Middle Eastern Studies 和 Public Administration through Florida State's Emergency Management 和 首页l和 Security (EMHS) program. 与同龄人保持联系, 教授,  和 academics within the Middle Eastern Studies Program has been an instrumental factor in Payton's success at Florida State University. 2020年秋季, 佩顿成为十大网赌平台推荐阿拉伯荣誉协会(AHS)的创始人。, 美国第一个大学阿拉伯语荣誉协会. 有了这个组织, Payton aims to promote excellent scholarship by providing an atmosphere for academic 和 professional mobility. She hopes AHS will leave a lasting legacy at 前苏联 和 exp和 to other universities nationwide. 

阿里克特 她的双学位是国际事务和中东研究. She is currently working on a thesis paper that discusses regional conflicts 和ir effects on humanitarian crises, specifically focusing on the Civil War in Yemen 和 rising rates of child marriage. She hopes to one day become a refugee lawyer 和 assist individuals who are fleeing persecution in their home country. 利用她的阿拉伯语技能, she is interested in assisting women 和 children located in the Middle Eastern successfully seek asylum in the United States.